The Uncanny Thread that Weaves the World
The longest time you live, do not neglect instruction. If you obey instructions always, you will live a near perfect life. Instruction is the invisible thread by which the world is woven. It is so powerful a word, that it rules every sphere of life, or any endeavour you can think of.
Instruction is derived from
Latin and French word : instructen, instructus, instruere : meaning variously, to give knowledge to; provide authoritative information; to give order or command . Instruction is therefore a precept ,a direction that requires and calls for compliance.
So pervasive is the word that everything in this planet earth is a direct or indirect product of instruction and requisite compliance and obedience.
Once the instruction is clearly communicated ,the compliance is laden with benefits and non compliance comes with it negative curses.
Right from creation, the Almighty God commanded the natural elements and they complied.
” let there be light ” And there was light. ” Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters,” And it was done .” Let the waters under heaven be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear and it was so”, according to the holy book.
Every development or innovation on earth is a product of instruction or set of instructions .Across the human and elemental divide, there is hardly anything not defined by instructions.
Instruction or commandment from God to man carries blessings, benefits and great peace of mind, if it is absolutely obeyed. Likewise instructions from man to man.
But partial obedience or outright disobedience and rebellion carry loads of negative repercussions.
An example which illustrates this is the instruction : to forgive one another and not to hold grudges or live in bitterness towards a fellow man . The refusal to forgive carries a heavy load of bitterness from unforgiveness and makes the disobedient person unhappy, depressed, and full of anger whenever he sees the person that offended him . He will remain emotionally sick .
In the same vein, if a pilot refuses to obey the landing instructions, encapsulated in the aeroplane manual, he will crash land. The car driver who refused to obey the traffic instructions will end up with head on collision with cars that have right of way at a roundabout. The student who refused, the examiners instruction to answer five questions out of seven. But chooses to answers two questions only ,will fail and repeat the exam.
Indeed, instructions can be likened to the two faces of a coin. On one side is positive blessing and benefits and on the other is negative,punishment and curses.
The evidence abound, from cradle to grave, man has been programmed to obey instructions. At every home, a baby is born a tabular rasa, with absolutely no impression on its mind.
Then it goes through the process of weaning, infancy, toddlers, adolescence, teenage and adult hood. Man grows by obeying instructions that wove through these stages of life.
Thus , the baby learns the instructions or rules that guide the home, the family do’s and don’ts.
Even the holy book clearly stated: ” honour your father and mother that your days may be long upon the earth which the Lord thy God giveth thee”,
Every invention ,in all strata of society is accompanied with instruction manual. Check all machineries, drugs, and technological products, obedience to instructions is what makes the world go round.
In medical practice, the doctors prescription is preceeded with instructions to the patient.
“Go and run a test for ECG, kidney and liver functions and come back with lab result for proper diagnosis and prescription of drugs.
Thereafter, another set of instructions come from the dispensing pharmacist and the nurse.
“Take two tablets of this drug,three times daily for five days . Any patient who ignores them, does so at his or her peril.
However, the problem with man is that often times, he thinks that he knows better,so he decides either to modify the instructions by partially obeying or outrightly disobey the instruction.
Nonetheless, there are occasions when the instructions are not clearly communicated due to interference arising from the instructor, the channel or the receiver. The expected feedback demonstrates whether the instruction was understood or not .Once the instruction is clearly communicated, the receiver will give accurate response .
Communication experts agreed that interference or distortion to instructions could be internal , external or sender generated.
Hamilton Gregory, 1999, in Public Speaking for College and Career, fifth edition, page 9, argued that external interference could occur when the receiver of spoken instruction was hindered either by loud noise of an air plane or a truck blaring its horn with the result that instruction is partly delivered. The instruction could say” mark the date” But the receiver will hear ” pack the dates”
Internal interference or distortion occurs when the listener is multitasking or engrossed in personal problem or two tired to exert the mental energy required to give appropriate response to the instruction .
On the other hand, the speaker generated interference occurs when the instructor, uses words beyond the intellectual capacity or comprehension of the receiver. The receiver may construe demise to mean demons, because demise is unfamiliar to him.
From the foregoing, it stands out, that barring any interference, the instructions clearly communicated will elicit the right and logical response.